Mavis the tealady



Gaining quite a fan club in 2021, Mavis is the queen of The Starship Overflow's catering wing - and centre-forward of the blow football team. Born and bred in Smethwick, she insists that even at 80, she has no plans to retire whatsoever, and looking after the Overflow Sunday Service crew over on River Gibbs FM is now essential, less we go to seed.

Usually appearing on the half hour in the "Electic World of Tim Rice", Mavis stands for no nonsense at all and a lady NOT to be trifled with.

With her friends, Mrs Althrop, Percy the pumber and old Mr Grover the maintenance man, its never easy to predict what may happen next. 

She is a keen knitter, and has a dog called Sedgley (the Wonder dog) who sometimes graces the studio. Previous 'Mavis' episodes can be heard here